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Principal's Message - April 26, 2024


Hello Wales Families!

We hope that everyone had a great week.  It’s been a busy week at Wales!   Our third-grade students went to the Middle school today for instrument recruitment.    This week’s Celebrate Reading and Screen Free week was a great success!  Thank you to all our volunteers that made this week extra special!  Next week our third and fourth grade students will participate in the NYS Math assessments.  The assessments take about an hour to an hour and half for most students.  We also held one of our spring lock-down drills and fire drills this week.

On April 24th, students at Wales Primary welcomed authors Joseph and Jesse Bruchac. The authors shared several fun traditional Native tales, like “How the Flute Came To Be.”  In addition to telling stories, they spoke about their culture and language and played music from a flute, drum and guitar.  Students also got a glimpse of their most recent book and collaboration, Gluskonba and the Maple Trees.

News from the PTO:

The order deadline for hanging baskets or potted flowers was today- however if you have a last minute order, please send it in on Monday and we will be able to add it to our final counts.  See below for the Signup Genius for Staff Appreciation Week.


Have a wonderful weekend! 

Mrs. Morrison

A theater with red seatsDescription automatically generated

Wales Primary Staff Appreciation Week

Wales Primary is full of amazing Star Staff and it's time to show our Wales staff just how much we appreciate all that they do. The Staff Appreciation Committee is planning some fun and tasty ways to make Staff Appreciation Week (May 6th-10th) fit for the red carpet, but we need your help! We are looking for willing families to donate items to provide "green room" snacks, a breakfast, and prizes for the faculty/ bus drivers during the week.  Please review the available slots below and click on the buttons to sign up. There will be a big blue bin labeled "Staff Appreciation" in the main entrance foyer where items can be conveniently dropped off. Please drop items off by May 1st. Perishable food can be dropped off on the date listed next to its sign-up. Thank you!




Calendar corrections and additions:

5/2           PTO meeting 6pm

5/6-5/10  Staff appreciation week

5/6           Flower pick-up 3-5pm at Wales

5/9           Second grade field tip- Hidden Valley

5/14         Kindergarten orientation 9:30-10:40

5/15         4th grade band/orchestra to main campus -rehearsal for concert

5/17         Kindergarten Play 2pm

                Steam Night/ice cream social 6-7:30

5/20         3rd grade Tour of II

5/21         Budget Vote and 4th grade Band/Orchestra Concert

5/22         4th grade tour of II

5/23         Kindergarten Screening

                3rd grade Field Trip to Bison’s Game

5/30         3rd grade picnic

5/31         4th grade picnic

6/7           ER 12:00

6/14         3rd grade moving up day- 1pm

6/21         Last Day of student attendance