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Principal's Message - March 22, 2024


Hello Wales Families!

We hope that everyone had a great week.    


I would like to share a personal story with you about an experience we had that reminded me about all the little things that our staff do each day that make a difference.  Our son Aiden has autism.  He has attended school since he was two years old and has always needed the support of a small bus.  He sees his siblings getting on the big bus every morning and told his bus driver that he wanted to ride on a big bus.  Mr. Ben made that dream come true for Aiden.   


When the big bus pulled up in front of our house and Aiden realized it was for him, he immediately began jumping up and down in excitement and whispering- “Oh a big bus, Mr. Ben, a big bus for me!” He ran to the door and right past Mr. Ben on the bus to check it out, then returned to give him a hug. I stood in the driveway, tears streaming down my face from happiness for my little boy, who had found so much joy in this kind gesture.


Each day at Wales I witness these small moments of love and care with your children.  I see our staff comfort, love, and provide opportunities for our children to feel connected, cared for and pride.  It was a wonderful reminder for me that every small act of kindness makes a difference for our children. 


PTO reminds us that the Family Fun Movie and basket raffle will be held at the East Aurora Theatre on Sunday, March 24th at 11AM.  Solar Eclipse glasses will be sent home with our students next week Wednesday. 


Have a wonderful weekend! 

Mrs. Morrison