Class News
Mrs. Dunkleman's
Reading News |
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Response to Intervention Services! Response to Intervention (RTI) students will be working with me in small groups 3 to 5 times a week for 30 minutes in order to further support and develop their reading and writing skills.
PArt of your child's Response to Intervention services, will be to complete daily homework with an adult.
If your child is receiving RTI services, they will need to read the books or stories that they bring home to an adult and record it on their homework list.
Your child may also be bringing home Phonics Review assignments to be returned to school when completed.
It is very important that you and your child complete the assigned homework EVERY night and return it to school the next day. Your support at home will be essential to your child's success. I look forward to working with your child. You will be amazed at how quickly their reading and writing skills improve! If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me either by phone 652-3000 ext. 4021 or e-mail .
Mrs. Randi Dunkleman
RTI Teacher
For further information regarding Response to Intervention please visit the following links: