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Kindergarten Supply List

Below are the supplies that your child will need for the entire school year. Please label only the items marked with a star (*). Most other supplies will be shared to build a sense of community.1 box: 64 count Crayola crayons

  • 1 box: 24 count Crayola crayons
  • 2 packages Crayola washable markers (Please NOT the recycled ones with the black body- the caps and colors get mixed up!)
  • 1 pack 24 count Crayola colored pencils (sharpened)
  • 6 EXPO dry erase markers
  • 1 package (10+) of #2 pencils, sharpened
  • 2 different colored highlighters


  • 2 pink erasers
  • 12 Elmer’s glue sticks
  • 1 bottle Elmer’s glue
  • 1 pair of blunt tip Fiskars scissors
  • *1 two-pocket solid color, plastic folder (LABEL)
  • *1 (11/2-inch) three ring binder (LABEL)
  • 1 Fine point black sharpie( for ART)


  • 2 boxes of tissues
  • 1 box of Ziploc bags- (BOYS-gallon size) (GIRLS -quart size)
  • *1 set of inexpensive headphones (NO earbuds) to be used with technology (send in a ziplock with name LABEL)
  • *1 large backpack that will fit a lunchbox, sneakers, snowpants, artwork, etc. (LABEL and no wheels)
  • *1 complete change of clothes including socks and underwear in a plastic bag (LABEL)
  • *1 paint shirt or large adult T-shirt for an art smock (LABEL)
  • 1 old cotton sock (to erase dry erase boards)
  • Sneakers to be worn everyday



Mrs. Endich’s class:  1 package of napkins


Mrs. Gipe’s class: 1 small blanket for rest time


Thank you very much!

Kindergarten Teachers




