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Parent Page

Important Information for Second Grade



In Second Grade, our schedule will change every day.  We will have the following subjects throughout the week: Writing Workshop, Math, Science, Social Studies, Readers Workshop (with both whole group reading instruction and independent reading time), Guided Reading (small group reading instruction), Handwriting/Cursive, Social Emotional Learning lessons, Phonics Workshop and Independent Work time.  Our Special Area subjects include Physical Education, Art, Library, Music, and Technology.  The students will continue their learning of technology skills and concepts in the classroom with more hands-on learning of Microsoft Word, Microsoft TEAMS, and Power Point.



We enjoy taking the students outside for recess every day!!!  It is our school policy that all students need to be wearing sneakers in order to play on the playground.  If you have a child that likes to wear shoes other than sneakers (dress shoes for example), it is helpful to leave an extra pair of sneakers at school or in your child’s backpack. 



The students will each receive a Planner, which will go home with the students each day.  In the Planner, they will write down the homework that is assigned for that night.  On Mondays, they will get addition or subtraction flashcards to cut apart and practice.  For the rest of the week, it will be to read.  Please check and initial the Planner every night.  There are also spaces for teacher/parent notes in the Planner that I use for quick notes back and forth, so feel free to use those to communicate with me.  Please also check and empty your child’s Take-Home Folder every night.


     We will celebrate every student’s birthday throughout the year!  We have 20 students this year with some allergies (see letter from school nurse).  All food birthday treats must be store bought and in its original container with an ingredient label.  It is helpful if the treats are allergy free, but they do not have to be, as the students with allergies can have their safe backup snacks.



      We have a snack break every day, including early dismissal days.  Please send in a reasonable snack with your child each day (no candy or chocolate bars).  Please also send in a water bottle with your child every day.  They can get drinks whenever needed and this is especially important during hot recess days.



Ways to Contact Me:

  1. You can jot a quick note in your child’s Planner and I will write back to you that day. 
  2. (*BEST WAY) You can email me anytime– I check my email every morning, whenever I can throughout the day and also in the evening after school.  (
  3. You can call me at school – my phone number is listed on the bottom of this sheet.  The best times to reach me are right before and after school.  If you need to call me during the day, please call the office and Mrs. Reichert will connect you to my classroom.  If you call my classroom directly during the day, you will be connected to my voice mail to avoid interruptions during instruction.

All notes regarding bus passes, parent pick-up, or early dismissal should be sent to school in your child’s Take-Home folder.  If a change needs to be made in where your child should go before or after school, please call or email the office and make arrangements directly with our secretary - 652-3000 (x4001).  It is helpful to copy me in the emails, because I can let the children know in the morning where they are going after school.  Sometimes, they worry about it all day until the office notifies me.  😊