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Class News

Classroom News
 Blocks that Spell Learn

Welcome Back! Listed below is some general information you will need to begin the year.

1.      You have many ways to contact me if you have a question or any concerns. You can write me a note in your child’s planner, email me at school (, or leave a voice mail (652-3000 ext.4029).


2.    All notes regarding bus passes, parent pick-up or early dismissal should be sent to school in your child’s Take-Home Folder. Please do not write these notes in planners, as the office needs to record and date-stamp the notes.


3.    Please check and empty your child’s folder each night. Planners should also be checked daily and signed by a parent.


4.    We have a snack break every morning including early dismissal days. Please send in a healthy snack with your child every day (no candy for snack). If you would prefer to send in a box of snacks to be kept in the classroom, I will store them and let you know when your child is low on snacks. Students are also encouraged to bring in water bottles from home to keep in the classroom. This enables students to get drinks as needed throughout the day without leaving the classroom.


I look forward to seeing everyone at Open House in a few weeks!



                                        Mrs. Semlitsch